Parashat Beha’alotcha- Weekly Announcements

June 9, 2017 / 16 Sivan, 5777

Shabbat Times

Friday Mincha: 7:10pm

Candle Lighting: After 7:35pm

Shacharit: 9:00am

Latest Shema: 9:44am

Snif: 5:00pm

Learning: 8:10pm

Shabbat Mincha: 8:50pm

Shabbat ends: 10:03pm


Kiddush this week is sponsored by Joel and Dana Letvin, celebrating Joel’s 70th birthday.

The cost of a basic Kiddush is $225.00. If you are interested in sponsoring an upcoming Kiddush, or purchasing a leaf or a memorial board light, please contact Rabbi Jundef.

Weekly Classes

The Monday class for women will meet at 5:00pm

The Mishnah Brurah class will meet at 6:00pm.

The Tuesday class for men will meet at 6:15pm.


Mazel Tov

Mazel Tov to Yeshaya Shlomo and Judy Newman on the birth of a grandson.

Save the Date

Save the date: Ohel Moed’s 31st Annual Dinner, honoring Miriam and Dr. Mark Goldberg, will be held Monday June 26 2017. You can register online, and purchase journal ads here: Annual Dinner Page

Save the Date for the annual Ohel Moed BBQ on August 27th 2017 at Drake Park.

 Bnei Akiva

This Shabbat is the last snif of the year and will be held at 5pm. It will be run by Tal and it will be a special snif in honor of Tal’s last snif.

Mikvah Information

The numbers for Ohel Moed’s Eishes Chayil Mikvah are: 248-320-6541 or 248-737-3337. Please call 48 hours in advance.

Weekly Davening Times


Shacharit: 8:00am
Mincha: 7:15pm


Shacharit: 7:00am
Mincha: 7:15pm

The earliest times for Tallis and Tefillin are: 4:43, 4:43, 4:43, 4:43, 4:43 and 4:42am.