Sponsors for Upcoming Kiddush Luncheon

On June 7th, Shabbat Behaalotcha, there will be a special kiddush luncheon
honoring our Bnei Akiva Shlichim Ohad Stern and Or Gerchik on their
last Shabbat of service in West Bloomfield, and all of the community
members who worked so hard to repair the Eruv this year.  Everyone is
invited and encouraged to participate as co-sponsors for this important
kiddush celebration.  The cost of co-sponsorship is $36.  All proceeds
collected in excess of the luncheon costs will be divided equally between
the Ohel Moed Youth Fund and the West Bloomfield Eruv.

For more information, or to confirm your participation as a co-sponsor by June 1st,
please contact Lisa Gilan [248-842-0386 or gilan@comcast.net].
For those of you who have already committed, please submit your $36 check,
payable to Ohel Moed, to Lisa Gilan (6130 Charles Drive).
Thank you!